The BEIER Mkhulise Program which involves ECD, Primary and Secondary schools in the Pinetown District of KZN recently concluded a working session addressing the challenges for learners in moving from Grade 7 to Grade 8 in Mathematics, Natural Science, and English First Additional Language (EFAL).
Delegates to the session included Circuit Managers, Principals, Deputy Principals, and Grades 7 and 8 subject-specific teachers, from primary and secondary schools.
Deputy Principals conducted a comprehensive item analysis for Grade 7 and 8 in Mathematics, Language, Natural Science, and Science over the past three years.
Group sessions allowed delegates to collaboratively discuss strategies and interventions address the significant drop-off in Grade 7 to Grade 8 results. Principals presented detailed results for the past three years, shedding light on potential causes for the decline in results. Discussions also focussed on the significant number of pupils who started to drop out of school from Grade 8 onwards.
“This was a first for many delegates who had not previously engaged with their counterparts across schools and grades. Now that the delegates have a better understanding from both sides of the challenges in transitioning from Grade 7 to 8, they are far better equipped to start planning a way forward” said Mpume Shamase - PSA Chief Operating Officer.
It was resolved by delegates to actively engage with their counterparts over the course of the year to build collaboration and take forward the following actions:
1. Primary schools to send learner profiles to secondary schools during first term so learners with barriers will be assisted as soon as they enter secondary school.
2. Principals to ensure that Grade 8 is taught by a strong teaching cohort.
3. DHs to ensure teachers use differentiated teaching and learning methods.
It was further agreed to reconvene again 2024 to review the progress which had been achieved.